Dear Europe
Dear Europe, Sorry about the ash clouds over your head and that you can’t travel anywhere. We understand exactly how you feel.
Sincerely, Gaza
Source: Facebook status update, author unknown, that is now spreading like wildfire.
Dear Europe, Sorry about the ash clouds over your head and that you can’t travel anywhere. We understand exactly how you feel.
Sincerely, Gaza
Source: Facebook status update, author unknown, that is now spreading like wildfire.
... all I have to do is go to the Javastraat around the corner. There will always be an old man, walking slowly with his hands on his back, moving the worry-beads around. Makes me feel right at home.
Whether and where to study Arabic in Beirut - fusha / MSA and Lebanese Arabic - ALPS, Berlitz, AUB, CCF, American Language Center, American Learning Center
I’ve been back in the Netherlands for quite some time now, and it’s been nice. Nice to know how things work, nice to know how to get things done, and nice to not to be laughed at for strange habits that don’t fit with how other people do things. But today, today I realized I’m still not back to my full Dutch self. I ran into two friends who said how’s the new house? Welcome to the neighborhood! And we should meet up sometimes!
To which I thought, but luckily didn’t say out loud, yes, some night next week would be good.
Because what they said was we’re having a barbecue on the 19th of May, want to join?
The nineteenth of May. That’s more than a month away. And they already know what time and place. My surprise made me realize I’ll probably never get back to my full Dutch self.
When a video against Israeli propaganda and advocating Palestinian resistance has (google) ads at the end for 'Israeli Law' (Litigation, Commercial, Diplomatic Serving Governments and Businesses), and for 'Israel private tour guides', for customized tours to discover Israel’s secret addresses and tips.
Yes, I believe that’s what we call ironic.