This is exactly the point.
Slavoj Žižek on cultural capitalism and charity in a brilliant animation.
Slavoj Žižek on cultural capitalism and charity in a brilliant animation.
Remember when I told you about the dancing that Lebanese people like? And the football they go crazy for? Well, today I found out why they don’t have their own team to participate in the world cup…
The best of both passions, really! May it be a fun tournament. Cheers to the world… and let’s hope the Italians won’t win!
Dear Europe, Sorry about the ash clouds over your head and that you can’t travel anywhere. We understand exactly how you feel.
Sincerely, Gaza
Source: Facebook status update, author unknown, that is now spreading like wildfire.
When a video against Israeli propaganda and advocating Palestinian resistance has (google) ads at the end for 'Israeli Law' (Litigation, Commercial, Diplomatic Serving Governments and Businesses), and for 'Israel private tour guides', for customized tours to discover Israel’s secret addresses and tips.
Yes, I believe that’s what we call ironic.
Overheard at university: ‘My dad says I should drink less, judging from my facebook-pictures.’
‘Well I didn’t hear from my dad for a while until one day he called and said ‘you have a spelling mistake in your last blog-post”.’