On the road to my parents' village, Oosterhout (in the east of the Netherlands), the youth group of the Catholic church has placed a big sign made of strings of lights that says:

U.T.O. wishes you a white Christmas and a sunny 2009!
I know there is always something to laught at here, so I asked what U.T.O stands for. It used to be ‘Ultra Terror Oosterhout,’ was the answer. I can only assume the name was chose in a time that no one in the village mastered the English language.
The pastor must have done some research, because he adviced them to change the name. U.T.O. now stands for ‘Uiterst Trots Oosterhout’ – Extremely Proud Oosterhout. I sure hope they didn’t get their inspiration here, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
Either way, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a great start to 2009! Hope to see you here!