
Stories from Afar & Up Close

Filtering by Category: Middle East

Marginalization and Mobilization of Youth in the Near East

“…More than other groups, [Youth in the Near East] have to face situations in which the cultural scripts, messages and codes of the various agencies of socialization are often inconsistent and irreconcilable. Just witness the disparate and conflicting messages they are being subjected to: religious authority, state, national or secular ideologies, family and kinship groups, peer subculture, popular and cyber culture and, as of late, all the seductive appeals of global commodified consumerism, virtual images and life styles. Arab youth today are consequently caught between a poignant and unsettling predicament: traditional vectors of stability and loyalty (family and state) are being undermined, while the modern alternative sources of education, employment, security, public opinion have proved unable to fill the void. The young are also afflicted by another dissonant reality. They are often conceived and celebrated as the “hopes and builders of the future,” yet stigmatized and feared as disruptive and parasitic forces.”

I’ll be speaking at this two-day conference at the American University of Beirut tomorrow afternoon. Come join us if you have the chance! The program can be found here.

One week late? Or sixty-one years?

Last week was the commemoration of the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, when the ethnic cleansing of Palestine was in full swing – more than 400 villages were destroyed, 700.000 people were made refugees and thousands of acres of land were confiscated. Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, wants us all to forget what happened 61 years ago, so he has proposed a law to criminalize public remembrance of the anniversary of the Nakba. In January this year, I saw the following image at a demonstration against the war on Gaza:


(Palestinian land: red; Israeli land: grey.)

Already I have no words for this situation, and know even less what to say when people are no longer even allowed to remember how it came to this. I suggest you visit here and here and here and read stories like this, to know and not to forget.

If anybody has good links or suggestions for books and articles; please leave them in the comments.

Closed Zone

Gisha - Legal Center for Freedom of Movement calls on the State of Israel to fully open Gaza's crossings and to allow the real victims of the closure - 1.5 million human beings - the freedom of movement necessary to realize their dreams and aspirations.

For more information visit their website: Closed Zone
(Thanks to Lenie for sending me this.)