Oh, Nou snap ik het!
In het echt is het wel grappig! (Vrijdagmiddag, Ein el Mreisse, Beiroet: )
In het echt is het wel grappig! (Vrijdagmiddag, Ein el Mreisse, Beiroet: )
Somebody made Saudis dance to Michael Jackson. I give you 'Smooth Criminal, Saudi Style':
2006:“Would you like to go to the Fȇte de la Musique?” “Yeah, I guess, I mean we should party as long as we still can!”
2007: “Would you like to go to the Fȇte de la Musique?” “Are there any concerts? Anyway, I will not go, my parents don’t want me to go out much, they’re afraid something will happen.” 2008: “Would you like to go to the Fȇte de la Musique?” “What, there are concerts? No way! Who knows what will happen!”
2009: “Would you like to go to the Fȇte de la Musique?” “Yes, of course! Who’s playing?” And with that, I think it’s safe to say that the dancefloor in the ‘Dome’ (an old cinema destroyed during the civil war) was the most dangerous thing of this year’s Fȇte de la Musique, being made of wooden boards supported by a stick – and that made us very happy. That, and seeing such a huge crowd out on the streets without any flags whatsoever. Nice party!
Compare the ballot of the Dutch parliamentary elections (where each voter gets to choose ONE person):
…to the two ballots (different districts) for the Lebanese parliamentary elections – in the district of the left ballot, voters choose five people, in the district of the right, they choose TEN.
This is not a giant hand - the ballots are really this small. I guess this is the first time the Lebanese win the trophy for efficiency and environment-friendliness...
I heard a lot of fireworks and shooting in the air tonight, so I thought one politician or another must have given yet another brilliant speech and I checked the news to see who it was. There was no mention of a speech – instead I found this: apparently there is evidence that Hezbollah was behind the murder of Rafiq Hariri in February 2005.
If that’s true, things might get ugly very, very soon.